30 Sep 2020 11:00am to 12:00pm
VCTF Seminar Series

The aluminium smelting industry in Australia consumes more electricity than any other industry and it is failing. The key to international competitiveness is electricity pricing, which accounts for around one third of the cost of making aluminium. Australia’s main smelters can become competitive if large...

27 May 2020 11:00am to 12:00pm
VCTF Seminar Series

Part 1. Demand response: It’s all in the process

The people on the ground are key to implementing demand response and helping keep your business energy costs down. But, it can be hard to know where to start. From common barriers to strategies,...

The Energy Transition Hub released a briefing paper on energy transition to renewable energies: opportunities for Australian cooperation with Indonesia.

Indonesia and Australia – a growing energy...

Energy transition is happening globally and in Australia and Germany. It is occurring in response to rapidly changing technology costs and as countries move to implement policies in line with...


Energy transition is happening globally and in Australia and Germany. It is occurring in response to rapidly changing technology costs and as countries move to implement policies in line with the Paris Agreement goals. This transition poses policy and technological challenges. If managed well, it...


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