Energy transition to renewable energies: opportunities for Australian cooperation with Vietnam

Vietnam is at a turning point. It is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, it is undergoing fast economic growth, and it recently achieved universal electrification. Vietnam has a heightening need for energy from sustainable sources to implement its Paris Agreement commitment and achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Australia has world-class solar and wind energy resources that could be harnessed and exported to assist Vietnam. This could contribute to Vietnam achieving these goals through a transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy.
This briefing paper assesses the opportunities for Vietnam to transition towards 100% renewable energy, and to overcome a series of challenges that the country faces. These include high energy demand, the need for energy security, and over-reliance on emissions intensive fossil fuels. Scenario analyses suggest that Vietnam could meet its Paris Agreement targets though achieving renewable energy and energy efficiency targets, but also transition to 100% renewable energy in the longer term. However, Vietnam’s laws and policies require coordination and coherence to achieve the country’s energy transition, particularly in moving away from coal-fired power generation and avoiding its future expansion.
Vietnam and Australia have developed a strong bilateral relationship; Australia has an opportunity to support Vietnam in transitioning to renewable energy.
- Australia can explore options to assist Vietnam in meeting its energy demands through technology upgrades in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
- There are also opportunities to harness and export Australia’s renewable energy resources with green hydrogen as a fuel carrier, or through a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmissions line to Asia, and through energy intensive products, to help meet Vietnam’s energy demand.
Chapman A, Urmee T, Shem C, Fuentes U, Energy transition to renewable energies: opportunities for Australian cooperation with Vietnam, Energy Transition Hub Briefing Paper, February 2020.