Ms. Jay Rutovitz

Jay Rutovitz has worked in renewable energy and energy efficiency since 1994. Prior to that, she worked as an electrical contractor for 15 years, before gaining a first class degree in Environmental Science. After working in the UK as energy coordinator for a large metropolitan council, a renewable energy consultant, and a science campaigner for Greenpeace UK, Jay came to Australia in 2001 and has since worked as an energy consultant to government, environment groups, and the private sector.
Jay was the main author for the NSW Bioenergy Handbook in 2004, which identified more than 1000 MW that could be harnessed from wastes on farms, in food production and in cities. In addition, the Handbook outlined technological, logistical and environmental considerations relating to bioenergy.
Jay was also the lead consultant on Energy Smart Urban Solutions, a major case study of low energy development in Western Sydney, and has continued to advise on low energy urban development. She developed the Green Electricity Watch survey methodology and undertook data collection, analysis and reporting on behalf of a consortium of environment groups from 2005 to 2007.
Jay has particular expertise in energy sector employment modelling, and has undertaken scenario modelling for Greenpeace International, the Climate Institute, Environment Victoria, and the Electrical Trades Union and National Electrical and Communications Association. Since joining the Institute for Sustainable Futures in 2008, Jay has been a key researcher on energy projects. These include: the Intelligent Grid project for CSIRO, undertaking a case study of the NSW electricity supply to 2020 and developing the first iteration of the Details and Cost of Distributed Energy model (DCODE); employment modelling of global and regional low carbon energy scenarios; a range of distributed energy options research projects such as the Parkes Distributed Energy Plan; and most recently a study of the potential network benefits of Concentrating Solar Power, for which Jay was lead researcher. Jay continues to consult to the private sector.