15 Jul 2020 07:00pm to 08:30pm
Renew seminar series: Celebrating 40 years of Renew

Webinar RegistrationSpeakers
Michael Harris
Michael Harris has had a long association with renewable energy. He was manager of Renew/ATA until 1995, and led the construction of the Solar Worksop at the Ceres Community Environment Park, the Energy trailer and later the Energymobile, a semi-trailer purpose built display vehicle which...
The Alternative Technology Association (trading as Renew Australia) has reached a new milestone since its inception in 1980, when Mick Harris and a small band of enthusiasts got together, mainly to show off their latest project, and start a magazine called ‘Soft Technology’ which later became ReNew magazine. It has made the transition to a community based organisation with over 11,000 members and 14 branches. It produces two magazines, provides practical advice services to assist people on the path to energy efficiency in all its forms, runs the Sustainable House Day and has representation on various government committees. As Renew enters a new phase, it will be a chance to say goodbye to some long serving staff, and look to the future.