17 Sep 2019 11:00am to 12:00pm
Optimal Hydrogen Supply Chains: Co-Benefits for Integrating Renewable Energy Sources

Dr. Wolf-Peter Schill
Dr. Wolf-Peter Schill is the deputy head of the Department of Energy, Transportation, Environment at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). His areas of expertise include power market modelling, renewable energy integration, energy storage, and different sector coupling strategies. He holds a diploma...
We investigate optimal technology choices for providing H2 at German fuel stations. This includes decentral electrolysers at the stations, as well as central electrolysis plus transport in gaseous or liquid form, or via liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC). In doing so, we explicitly take power system repercussions into account. These differ between technologies because of different flexibility characteristics. We find a trade-off between energy efficiency and power system flexibility, which plays out differently at varying levels of renewable penetration and H2 demand.