Dr. Christian Gambardella

Christian Gambardella is a post-doctoral researcher in the Climate and Energy Policy Group at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). His main field of research lies at the interface of applied energy, environmental and behavioral economics, using computational and econometric methods.
Much of Christian's work so far focused on the welfare and distributional effects of price responsive electricity demand in transforming electricity markets in the presence of climate and renewable policies. Currently, his main focus lies on analyzing the retail tariff choices by electricity consumers and on the welfare effects of measure to correct biased consumer decision-making. Moreover, he is conducting empirical research on the environmental benefits of electric vehicles as well as on the price and quantity effects of growing renewable generation in the German electricity market.
Christian received his PhD in economics from the Technical University Berlin in 2019. Before joining PIK as a PhD-Student in 2013, he graduated from the University of Cologne in economics and sociology, with a focus on dynamic macroeconomics and energy economics. His work has been published in Energy Economics, The Energy Journal and Nature Energy.