Australian National University

The Australian National University (ANU) is a world-leading university in Australia’s capital city, Canberra. The ANU’s Centre for Climate Economics and Policy is among the nation’s leading sources of independent research on low-carbon energy policy and economics. It has over three dozen research associates in leading universities and other institutions in Australia and internationally. The Centre is located at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, which is Australia’s leading public policy school. Located in Canberra, the ANU and Crawford School have a strong reputation for policy impact and policy relevant research, an unrivalled network in Australian policymaking circles, and excellent facilities for hosting outreach activities. (Website: The ANU’s Energy Change Institute provides links into energy and climate research across the ANU, linking economic and policy research and application with engineering and science. The ANU Energy Change Institute involves over 200 researchers and PhD students at ANU. The ANU Climate Change Institute will also be linked to the Hub. The two Institutes at ANU draw on the wealth of expertise across the University's seven colleges, connecting research to governments, the private sector and civil society.