An open tool for creating battery-electric vehicle time series from empirical data: emobpy

There is substantial research interest in how future fleets of battery-electric vehicles will interact with the power sector. To this end, various types of energy models depend on meaningful input parameters, in particular on time series of BEV motor electricity consumption, grid availability, and grid electricity demand. As the availability of such data is highly limited, we introduce the open-source tool emobpy. Based on mobility statistics and customizable assumptions, it derives time series data that can readily be used in a wide range of applications. For an illustration, we create and characterize 200 BEV profiles for Germany. Depending on the hour of the day, a fleet of one million BEV has a median grid availability between around 5 and 7 GW, as vehicles are parking most of the time. Four exemplary grid electricity demand time series illustrate the smoothing effect of balanced charging strategies.