20 Mar 2019 07:00pm to 09:00pm
Renew Branch Meeting: The Future for Wind

Andrew Bray
Co-hosted by Australian-German Climate and Energy College & Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute
Andrew Bray is the founding National Coordinator of the Australian Wind Alliance, a community advocacy group championing wind power as a means to fight climate change and deliver benefits to local communities. He has a background in community organising and climate advocacy and before that...
With constantly falling costs and rising efficiencies, wind energy is poised to become one of the cornerstones of Australia’s clean electricity grid. What is the current state of wind in Australia and how might it develop in coming decades?
While wind farms can bring significant economic and social benefits to regional Australia, communities have also challenged industry to come up with new ways to share these benefits and adapt large-scale infrastructure projects to local needs. We’ll look at how industry has risen to this challenge and investigate relevant case studies.