ATA branch meeting: Automated and zero emissions vehicles infrastructure advice
In October 2017, the Victorian Government asked Infrastructure Victoria to provide advice on what infrastructure is required to pave the way for highly automated and zero emissions vehicles in the state. In providing this advice, IV were asked to consider a number of potential future scenarios, consult broadly with stakeholders, and build a strong body of evidence based on comprehensive modelling, analysis and global experience.
In August 2018, Infrastructure Victoria released its Evidence Base report. This report provides an overview of the Victorian-specific evidence gathered by Infrastructure Victoria to inform its advice, ranging from transport, energy, ICT, land use and the environment.
This presentation will delve further into the findings of Infrastructure Victoria’s research, across all these subject areas including some of the key insights, unexpected outcomes, and myths that have been busted along the way. The presentation will also include Infrastructure Victoria’s view on the key risks and opportunities associated with automated and zero emissions technologies.